How to find 7-11 em Lisboa?

Many people went to Eurpoe or live in Europe. During the nights, they always 7-11 em Taiwan. Yes, 7-11 is always open in Taiwan. If you are hungry at 3h00 AM, you just go to 7-11. You can get any hot food and drinks in winter. Otherwise, of course ,in summer you can also have ice cream. No matter when it is now, 7-11 is always open. But in Eurpoe, there is no 7-11.......When you're hungry at night, what you can do?
Just go to the Gasoline Station because most of Gasoline stations in Eurpoe operate for 24hrs. It's true. But why do people travelling always complain that they cannot find food at night? The answer is that most of Taiwaneses traveling in Europe rarely rent a car. Most of gasoline stations are located by freeway of suburbs, but not in the center of city. That's the reason why they cannot find food in Europe.
Next time, if you want to eat evening meals, please go to a gasoline station where serves a lot of food, café, and what you can image.


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