110827 在南歐開車與台灣不同/義大利,法國,西班牙,葡萄牙駕車








110827 研究FB的open graph protocol

本來只不過為了那個"讚"的按鈕,沒想到FB已經比以前更強了,不需要建立粉絲團就可以直接運作粉絲團的功能。只要把Open Graph Protocol加入到html裡面就可以做到。只要個按過"讚"的朋友,都將成為你的粉絲,不需要另外開立粉絲團,FB也同樣提供網站管理、到訪人數統計、也是可以作連結,不只這樣還可以管理!還可以做精準行銷,更精確的投放廣告。這功能其實2010年就有了,但是一般人根本不會去研究,真的覺得FB在不知不覺中不斷進步。

110610 台灣物價比葡萄牙貴系列一 Chili's/Price of Commodities between Taiwan & Portugal Part I, Chili's

Many Taiwanese told that the price of commodities in Europe is much more expensive than in Taiwan after travelling in Europe. What they said is the truth. However, they went to a scenic spot where the residents would go frequently. In Taiwan, if you go to Taipei 101, Yan Ming Shan, Sun-Moon Lake, everything will become more expensive. Today, I want to show you whether the price in Portugal, Europe is always more expensive than in Taiwan.
I will compare a chain restaurant, Chili's.
In the middle of June, I read an ad of Chili's which showed €20/2set included the drinks during the whole week. It's an amazing price. In Taiwan, it's impossible price! I will show you the dishes in the following pictures.
六月中,因為在地鐵上看到Chili's Telheiras的廣告,因為兩份套餐加飲料只要20歐。這價格連周末都適用。真的是便宜到爆炸,約了兩位同學,四個人一起去吃。菜色如何,用說的不如看照片。
四主菜/four Main dishes



110824 在台灣開車/Driving in Taiwan

I had stayed in Taiwan for around 2 months. Everything seems possible on the roads.
Few days ago, I drove around the Xinpu Station of MRT. I was driving inside of the four-lane road. Meanwhile a taxi was crossing the four-lane road vertically. What's that? Does the traffic regulation allow a taxi driver could drive in this way? I had the right to stay in the lane. I used the horn to warm the taxi driver to prevent from an accident.
If you let a pedestrian pass the zebra stripe first, he or she may feel weird. Meanwhile the car behind you will horn you.
Regarding the bus, it's much stranger. In Taipei, we always find a parking space for bus only in front of the bus stop. However, you rarely see a bus will stop inside of the parking space. It's true. You can observe your self. If they don't utilize it, why should the Taipei government waste money to paint it?
It's the most ridiculous to get drive-license in Taiwan. The examination is to drive around a training center, not on the real roads and highway. The center has nothing related to the real driving situation. Some centers could reach 90% of pass rate. Some of drivers are not capable of driving on the roads. How can they get the license? Thank god for that the exam in 2014 will be hold on the real roads.
In Taiwan are many people, many cars which don't obey the regulation. It's still a disaster to drive in Taiwan. However, in Taiwan we are much better than many cities in Asia.



110603 補充亞述群島行程規建議


亞述群島共有九座島嶼,島與島之間的交通工具就只是飛機和船。飛機唯有SATA航空,幾乎每天都有航班,所以對於行程規劃較為便利,但是價格偏高,任意兩島單程機票要價85歐,沒有提供學生票折扣。搭乘船隻相對便宜,但是並非每日都有船隻會靠岸,所以行程規劃會受到限制。另外必須注意,不同島的之間經營的船運公司不同,我這次搭船是Atlantico lin是走主要大島的航線,小島如Faial則不一定是由Atlantico Line經營。


正因為島與島之間的航線要價85歐,所以我特別從里斯本飛San Miguel,回程從Terceira飛回里斯本,雖然不同點進出機票比較貴,但是省下從Terceira飛回San Miguel的機票與時間,整體算起來機票價錢相當,但是省下轉機時間,絕對值得。

Atlantico line有些船隻的行程會在某些島嶼停留一日,才會再出發,可以考慮這種行程,省下交通費用,只要是航線上的島嶼,都可以停留一天下船遊覽,隔天再度上船,但是費用卻完全相同,只算起點和終點的價錢,相對划算很多。我在船上我就有遇到一位德國人就是採用這種方法,在Terceira停留一天,等待隔日再上船前往San Miguel。

110813 Pine Garden in Hualien/Parque de Pinheiro/松園別館

Hualien has an international spot, Taroko Gorge, where each tourist must go while visiting Hualien. I strongly recommend each foreign visitor to take a walk in Taroko Gorge. You can experience and take a look at the beauty of Taiwan.
Beside of Taroko Gorge, I would like to introduce a spot, Pine Garden, in Hualien, Taiwan. This garden was built by Japanese Military when they colonized Taiwan. Right now, Hualien Government redecorated it to be a Gallery. Artists could have an exhibition inside. In the garden there are hundred-year-old pines. That's why we called it "Pine Garden". It's also a high place to view the Hualien Harbor and the city. When you visiting Taroko, don't forget to visit Pine Garden.

Em Hualien há uma vista internacional, Desfiladeiro de Taroko, que cada um deve visitar quando visita Hualien. Eu recomendo que cada turista estrangeiro faça um passeiro em Taroko. Você podem experienciar e ver uma beleza de Taiwan.
Além de Taroko, vou apresentar uma outra visita, Parque de Pinheiro, também em Hualien. Este parque era construido pelo Japonêses, quando eles colonizáram Taiwan. Agora, Governo de Hualien redecorou-o por ser uma galeria. Artistas podem fazer uma exibição dentro. Porque no pátio há cem-ano pinheiros, chama-se Parque de Pinheiro. Também é um lugar alto e podem ver todo o Porto de Hualien  e a cidade. Quando você visitar Taroko, Hualien, não esqueça visitar Parque de Pinheiro.


110811 Algumas fotográfias da minha casa em Lisboa/里斯本家後院

Já vi algumas fotográfias que tirei em lisboa. Tenho saudade do tempo de Lisboa. Tirei estas fotográfias no quintal da minha casa. Depois de chuva, estava com sol. O quintal onde havia flores e abelhas era ativo!


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