110730 我們身邊的葡文

今天在路上看到一台Suzuki Alto,好熟悉的字Alto,這個字其實是拉丁文,不只葡萄牙文,義大利文、西文都有這個字,意思是"高",而英文也借用了這個字,只不過意思是歌劇的男高音,總是有點相關聯。

110626 Museu de Teatro e Traje/劇場博物館,禮服博物館



110728 我家經濟小館


110630 Restaurante os Compadres, Last dinner in Portugal/最後的晚餐/último jantar em portugal

Today is my last day in Portugal. I went to Restaurante os Compadres which is near my home. Although it's close to my house, I have never had a dinner there before. It's a pity that I couldn't know it earilier because I just noticed it one month ago. Today, there were many clients in the restaurant. We had a great dinner that night.
I strongly recommend this restaurant. Because it's not for the tourists, it's for the local portuguese people. The price is acceptable to each one. The important thing is that the traditional Portuguese cuisine they provide was great and delicious. During the June, Snails are the main dish for Portuguese. Don't forget to taste it.

這一天是我待在葡萄牙的最後一晚,和兩位朋友吃了在葡萄牙最後的晚餐。一個月前我才注意到,我住的地方附近這間Restaurante os Compadres餐廳,生意很不錯,所以這一天就走路去。去過不得不說,真的是一間值得推薦的葡萄牙餐廳。提供道地的傳統葡萄牙菜,這個季節剛好是蝸牛的產季,我們還先點了盤來開胃。這一晚我們吃得很開心。

Hoje é última noite de min em Portugal. Fui ao Restaurante os Compadres que fica perto da minha casa com meus amigos. Embora o restaurante ficque perto da minha casa, nunca fui lá para provar antes. Era uma pena que soubesse mais cedo, porque já sei-o por um mês. Acho que seja um bom restaurante. Hoje dentro do restaurante havia muitos clientes. Nós provámos caracois e pratos tradicinais de Portugal. Todos nós tivemos uma boa noite.

110620 Restaurante no Porto/吃在Porto/Restaurante in Porto

I stayed in Porto for one night. Surely, I had to find something to eat. However, I didn't do any homework.(Surfing on internet for searching a good restaurant) Therefore, I just chose by my sense and nose.
Fortunately, I think all of them are good. One restaurant has higher C/P. Low price, good food. and the other provides a good local food. The last one is the cheapest. Over all, if you are travelling in Porto, you can enjoy a delicious food with a little money.


Eu fiquei no Porto por uma noite. Claro! Precisei de procurar os alguns bons restaurantes. Mas normalmente, não costumava procurar uma informação de restaurante. Por isso, escolhei pelo um meu sentido e nariz. Afortuadamente, acho que todos os restaurantes sejam bons. Um tem um número alto de C/P. E no outro restaurante há a comida tradicional e local no Porto. E último é o mais barato. Sobre todos os, caso viaje no Porto, não precisem de gastar mais dinheiro para comidas.

Astronauta Restaurante
Rojoés à Casa/燉豬肉

110711 發動Clio RS/Start the engine of my Clio RS

After coming back to Taiwan, the first thing I had to do was to start the engine of my Clio RS which had stayed in the garage for 10 months. I spent a lot of time doing it.
First, I bought a electric line to connect with my another car, Peugeot 206. And I started the engine smoothly.
Afterwards, I drove the Clio to the repair store to replace with a new battery. The battery was a special specification. It's much smaller than those of other cars. The repairman recommended me that I could utilize the battery of Ford Focus which costed NTD2,200.
Meanwhile, I found the air-condition wasn't working. In Taiwan, nobody could drive without air-condition in Summer. Then, I had to drive back to Renault Retailer to repair it.
BTW, I went to a tire store to replace by 4 new tires. This moment, I don't have a job, so I only use a Taiwanese product, Maxxis MA-Z1. It's much cheaper than foreign brands but it still costs NTD8,800
When everything was almost done, the ceiling of Clio was falling. I don't know the reason. I went to a store recommended by cyber-friends. I spent NTD3,500 repairing it.
To buy a car is easier than to maintain a car. It's true. From now on, I haven't finished all of my jobs to repair my car. I've already spent around NTD17,000. Oh! My God!

回到台灣,為了要把塵封在車庫10個月的Clio RS再度復出,花了不少功夫。
首先去買了條NTD480的"救命線",和另外一輛Peugeot 206電瓶並聯接上,這才將這輛車子發動。
就這樣開著剛發動的Clio膽戰心驚的朝向汽車材料行出發,因為只要熄火了,這車就沒辦法自己發動,換檔要很小心,不要熄火了。Clio的電瓶,可不是普通的電瓶,台灣很少車輛使用此一規格,因為引擎室空間小,又塞了顆2.0的引擎,老闆一看就說只有一顆可以用,他也只備料一顆,平常是給Ford Focus用的,今天給我用,要價NTD2200。


順便造訪熟識的輪胎行,這四條輪胎已經被這輛一噸重的車子整整壓了十個月,早就變形了。為了駕車的路感,換上四條新胎,這次換Maxxis MA-Z1,出國前一條1800,今天竟然要2200,一次四條8800就飛了。

歐洲的環保材質開始讓我吃到苦頭了,Clio RS的天花板竟然掉下來,網友介紹蘆洲躍馬,特地跑去,3500搞定。

為了 Clio,還沒修完就付出 將近一萬七,標準的買車容易養車真難。

110725 Quero conhercer o Brasileiro(a) e Português(a) em Taiwan

Olá! Chamo-me Benjamin. Sou Taiwanese. Já voltei para Taiwan por 3 semanas. Eu tinha ficado em Lisboa aprender Português durante 10 meses. Agora estou a ficar em Taiwan. Quero conhecer quem possa falar português e vamos fazer amigos. Se você seja o Brasileiro, a Brasileira, o Português e a Portuguêsa, pode enviar um mensagem neste artigo. Vou contactar-se brevemente. Ou pode enviar por e-mail.

O meu e-mail: benww2000@gmail.com

Até logo

110724 南雅夜市 麻油雞/Chicken with Sesame Oil in Nanya Night market


Nanya night marke is the biggest one in Banqiao dist. It's not so familiar with foreigners.However, it's very popular with locals. Because of three booths populares in it, there are crowds of people every night. They are  Oyster House, Popcorn, and Chicken with Sesame oil of Wang.
Today, I will introduce Chicken with sesame oil of Wang. Usually, we taste Chicken with sesame in Winter. Today, it's 37deg in Taipei. There is still a lot of people in the small booth. You can image how popular it is. I ordered one drumstick and a dry noodle. It costs NTD130. Really good!

Kindly Remind: Night market is not as clean as restaurant. To Asian visitors, I thought that it's not a problem to you. To European or Americans, if you had visited any night market in Bangkok or Sien Reap(Angkor), I think you know something about it. The night market in Taiwan is much cleaner than those two. Don't worry! Just go to enjoy Taiwanese Snack in any night market.


110725 單車熱退燒

GIANT R-3000

這輛單車是已經伴隨我19年,Giant R3000,當年要價NTD8800,現在聽起來可能不怎樣,但是他的鋼管車身的設計,現在可是稀有貨,現在你兩萬塊想買鋼管車,大概只有車架而已。正因為他的復古造型,和稀有性,有時候騎在路上,有時候還是會被路人投以注目的眼光。
看到車店裡零星的高單價的車款,和兩年前滿滿是車的盛況,簡直天差地別。老闆說單車熱退燒很多,騎車的人少,買車的更少,路上仍然會騎車的大概都是車齡都是十年以上的車友。那些一頭熱買高單價車的傢伙,很多車子都已經停在那一兩個月以上,甚至有兩年也沒動,只能留給蜘蛛結網。真想不透這些人買車的意義何在?就算別人有車,你就一定也要有單車嗎?台灣人似乎一直是這樣,看現在流行什麼,別人有,自己也要有,再加上媒體的推波助瀾,盲目的全民運動就這麼出現。有些人體力可能不怎樣,但裝備一個比一個好,全套車衣車褲墨鏡,試問你到底是有多專業?我向來都是短褲, t-shirt騎車,一身休閒裝扮,一樣是騎車,何必搞這麼累呢?

110707 鴉片粉圓Opium Fen-Yuan


Opium Fen-Yuan is a delicious snack in Summer. As you know, opium is drugs. The owner use "Opium" as the name because if you have tasted this Fen-Yuan, you would be addictive like a drugster. Of course, there is no opium in it. Opium Fen-Yuan is also located in Banqiao dist., New Taipei City. And it's close to "Front of Fuel depot". I always have "3 Yuan" with taros. Very good!

Ópio Fen-Yuan é um snack delicioso na Verão. Como sabe-se, opium é uma droga. O chefe utiliza ópio como o nome de snack bar porque se você tinhasse provado o antes, você deve ir mais vez como o drogado. Certemente, dentro de Ópio Fen-Yuan não há ópio. Todos são naturais.  "Ópio Fen-Yuan" fica em Banqiao dist., New Taipei. É perto do  "frente de depósito de gasolina". Eu sempré provei "3 Yuan" com "Taros". Que delicioso!

110707 油庫口麵線,烤香腸


In Banqiao Dist., New Taipei city, there is a famous snack house which is famous with thin noodles. The name is "Front of fuel depot" because it was close to a fuel depot before. They provide Oyster Thin Noodles, Chitterling Thin Noodles and Oyster Chitterling Thin Noodles. Undoubtedly, most of people living in north of Taipei are familiar with it. When I getting there, I always has a Chitterling Thin Noodles and another sausage which is also delicious. In taiwan, we have a lot of these kind of snack house. Of course, the environment is not as clean as restaurant. As well, Michelin won't be interested in it. However, it's the traditional food in Taiwan. When visiting Taiwan, don't miss tasting it.

Em Banqiao dist., Nova Taipei cidade, há um Snack Bar que é famoso por causa de massa fina. Chama-se "frente de depósito de gasolina" porque ficava perto do depósito de gasolina antes. Eles têm massa fina de ostra, massa fina de intestino, e mistura. Acho que a maioria da pessoas no Taiwan de Norte conhecam este Snack Bar. Quando visitava lá, gostava de massa fina de intestino e um chouriço que também é delicioso. Em Taiwan, temos muito Snack bars. Claro, não é possível que haja o ambiente mais limpo do restaurante. E Michelin não fica interessante com else. No entanto, todas comidas de snack bar são comidas tradicionais em Taiwan.  Quando visitar Taiwan, é priciso provar.

First, request what you want from waitresses. You will get this cards.
 Oysters Thin Noodles
A sausage
 Chitterling Thin Noodles


110719 New toy Motorola Milestone 2

I had been interested in Motorola milestone when it was announced. When I stayed in Portugal, Motorola announced a new Milestone. It's what I have now. Motorola Milestone 2

Why do I choose an Android Smart Phone?
After coming back to Taiwan, I started to survey a new smart phone instead of TWM T1 which I am using. I focused on cellphones with Android 2.2 above. Because I need a hotspot share function. Apple iPhone didn't announced this function officially in Taiwan. I know that in America some operation company provide an iPhone with hotspot. But I am in Taiwan. I cannot get it. Another solution is JailBreak. I don't want JB. Therefore, I chose Android. 

Why do I choose Motorola Milestone 2?
I bought it from Sunfar 3C where it's holding a promotion activity today. This phone costs NTD9,999 (around EUR250) with a Motorola Universal Portable Power Pack. It's really profitable. The phone was built 8g rom and  the package includeed extra 8G sd card. I think it's really enough. The QWERTY keypad can help me keyin faster.

110709 Nespresso Pixíe 220v/110v

在葡萄牙的日子,養成了我喝咖啡的不良習慣,而且喝很重,從一開始不愛,到現在一天好幾杯。回到台灣,沒有好咖啡的日子一定會很難過。所以特地從葡萄牙扛了一台Nespresso Pixíe
Nespresso Pixíe是2011年的新機型,台灣沒得買,大概又要等兩年後。修改了幾處Citiz的缺點,而且有些我認為是非常重要的缺點。
PS. 雀巢公司已經取回Nespresso代理權,自行銷售,可以到各大百貨購買了,Pixie也有販售。
  1. 杯架可以摺疊,大一點的杯子不必再用手支撐,斜著角度去接咖啡
  2. 自動關機,這咖啡機可是非常耗電的,就算進入待機也是會耗電,多了自動關機功能


110918 220v電器在台灣要如何使用?

110701 Back to Taiwan/回到台灣/Já voltei para Taiwan.

Back to Taiwan. Farewell, Lisbon.
Já voltei para Taiwan. Adeus, Lisboa.

110620 西葡大暴走 Day7 Vila do Corde->Porto Airport(還車)->Porto

I drove to Porto airport in the morning. I spent some time to drop the car because a lot of people stayed in line. Meanwhile, many people were keeping looking at us. All of them were white people. Maybe they feel strange that an Asian could rent a car for a trip. I recommended that when you travel in Europe or America, you can rent a car. In the future, they will think that it is normal that an Asian rents a car for travelling. And they don't feel strange anymore.
Originally, I planned to purchase 1 day pass. But the staff of metro told me that it was only sold in turismo. I had no other choice and just went back to airport. 
I went to the downtown of Porto by metro. Today, I would stay in AWA Porto Hotel Santo Andre. The staff is an old madam. She doesn't speak English. But I can speak portuguese. She told me much useful information. She is really nice.
Regarding to the room of hotel. I have to say that it's not very clean but I can accept. Especially, the bathroom was plugged up by hairs. However, I still recommend you to stay there because of the acceptable price and the atmosphere of 20s & 30s in Porto. The sunshine could get into the room. If you have time, spend a few hours staying in the balcony to see the seagulls and pigeons which are fighting. Next time, I will stay this hotel again.

原本來到機場的捷運站要買1day pass,沒想到站務員說只有遊客中心有販售,只好又回到機場買1 Day Pass。搭捷運到Porto市中心。今天住AWA Porto Hotel Santo Andre旅館。服務的是位老奶奶。英文不太好,但是人超級nice,告訴我一堆景點。

De manhã, conduzi ao aeroporto do Porto. Gastei um pouco tempo para entregar o carro. Houve muitas pessoas que sempre olharam-nos. E todas as pessoas foram europeus e americanos. Talvez não haja muitos asiáticos que alugam o carro e parecem-se estranhos. Recomendo que quando asiáticos viajam na Europa ou América, podem alugar um carro para viagem. No futuro, europeus e américanos vão achar  normal que o asiático alugue um carro para viagem. Não ficam estranhos.
Inicialmente, queria comprar 1 Day pass na metro do aeroporto. Mas ele disse que só podia comprar no turismo. Era mal que tivéssemos de voltar para o aeroporto e comprar bilhetes. Nós fomos ao porto do metro. Primeiro, procurámos o hotel. hoje ficámos no AWA Porto Hotel Santo Andre. A senhora velha ficou lá. Ela não fala íglês. Mas eu posso falar português. Ela disse me muitas informações úteis. É muita simpática.
Honestamente, este hotel não é muito limpo. Especialmente, é casa de banho. Mas também recomendo ficar lá por causa de ambiente de 20s,30s no Porto. A luz solar pode entrar o quarto. Podem ficar na varanda ao tempo livre e olhar as gaivotas e pombos que estão a batalhar. 

110619 西葡大暴走 Day6 Bragança->Murça->Vila Real->Régua(Alto Douro)->Guimarães->Braga->The Style Outlet

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