110413 As Marcas locais de Café em Portugal/葡萄牙本土咖啡品牌


  1. Nicola
  2. SICAL
  3. Delta
  4. Torrié 

110413 Tomorrow, I will stay in Paris.

Easter is coming. Tomorrow, I will stay in Paris for 5 days. Thereafter, I am going to Amman, Jordan for 8 days. The last five days, I am coming back to Paris and driving a rental car to travel around France.
It seems a little tired. Wish everything is fine.
Páscoa vai chegar. Amanhã, vou a Paris e ficar lá por 5 dias. Depois, vou visitar Amma, Jordan por 8 dias. Últimos 5 dias, voltarei para Paris e conduzir um carro alugado.
Pareco-me um pouco cansado. Espero que todas as coisas sejam bons.

110403 Madeira Day4 Funchal->Pico do Arieiro->Monte->Eira do Serrado->Pico dos Bacelos->Câmara de Lobos

Today is the last day of my trip. I decided to go to the mountains. The first stop was Pico do Areiro. The GPS led me to a slop whichi is longer than 2km. And it's such steep that the Ford Fiesta had to use the first gear to accelerate against the gravity. The roads in the maintains seem like Taiwan. But in Madeira, it's more steep and dangerous. We also met the landslide. Finally, we arrived at the peak smoothly. On the top, it made me excited that I could see Ocean Atlantic clearly.
今天是旅行的最後一天,準備往山裡跑,首站就是Pico do Areiro,沿著GPS規畫的路線,行經一條長達兩公里的大斜坡,坡度約在30度左右,這輛Fiesta必須使用一檔才能上坡,如果二檔是沒辦法對抗地心引力的。總算見識到Madeira最奇怪的路線。之後的山路大概就跟台灣山中的產業道路相當,所以沿途也有大客車會車,坍方的情況發生,山頂的風景,有點像台灣的合歡山,不過因為Madeira地形更陡峭,看起來更驚險,不過總算是順利到達目的地。山頂上可以看到大西洋,很令人興奮。原本計畫到Madeira最高點,但是要步行七公里的距離而作罷!山頂有個雷達站,當天雲霧頗多,有點可惜。

110409 Aquedoto das Águas Livres,里斯本著名的水道橋

There is a famous aqueduct in Lisbon. It was built since the beginning of 18 century and finished in 1799. The purpose was to bring the water from the countryside to the city. That's widely known "Águas Livres". To travel between two hills, Portugueses also built a bridge which is "Aquedoto das Águas Livres" that I want to visit today.
In 18 century, the aqueduct was really high with the height of 67m. Before, only horses would pass it but now, there is a highway under it. I admire that the designer was so smart to built this grand aqueduct.
During summer, people can walk on it. Therefore, I took carris 702 from Marques Pombal to Campolide train station to take a photo. Thereafter, I took carris 702 again to Cç Dos Mestres. The entrance is close to the bus stop. I paid EUR2.5 to enter and spent a half hour walking on it. It's a pity that the end of the aqueduct is blocked. I couldn't go into the park directly.
Although this aqueduct is not as old as that in Segovia, it is more elegant, beautiful and grand. I had seen this aqueduct in a PC game, Need for Speed. It seems a famous building in the world. That's why the EA collect it into the game. Although it's famous, few Taiwaneses know it.
里斯本有一個很著名的水道橋,於十八世紀初開始建造,1799年完工,當年為了現代化的需求,將遠方山頭的淨水引入里斯本市區,這條水道稱之為Águas Livres,其中一段為了跨越里斯本的兩座山頭,而建造的水道橋就是今天造訪的Aquedoto das Águas Livres。
這座水道橋在夏天有開放給人行走,所以今天特地跑去,先在Marques Pompal搭702公車,在Campolide火車站拍下水道橋全景,之後再繼續搭702到Cç Dos Mestres,入口離車站不遠,問問當地人都會很熱心告訴你。門票2.5歐,大約三十分鐘可以走來回。盡頭有個欄杆,沒辦法走到公園去可惜了一些。
雖然沒有像Segovia那座水道橋這麼有歷史,不過這座橋造型典雅,且更壯觀,當年在Need for Speed遊戲裡面就可以看到這座橋的身影,是相當有名氣的建築,只不過台灣人知道很少。

110402 Madeira day3 Blandy's, Gruta de São Vincente, Ponta do Pargo

In the morning, we visited the Blandy's wine factory, established in 1811. Of course, the major product is Madeira wine.
De manhã, foram à fábrica de vinho da Madeira, Blandy's, estabelecido desde 1811.

110401 Madeira Day2 Funchal, Camacha, Santana

I was not so familiar with Madeira. What I had is the tour information gotten from the airport. This day, I started my trip from the city, Funchal. I parked the car far from the center where is close to the beach. We met a Portuguese who is kind to show us his home. That's in front of the sea, very nice scene. Then, we visited the famous Marcado dos Lavradores, which has many fruits which I hadn't seen before.
對於Madeira所知甚少,所依靠的就是在機場拿的旅遊資訊,所以這一天就近先在Funchal市區閒晃,在離市中心有一小段距離的海邊,找到了個車位,停妥後就往市區走去,路上遇到一位熱心的葡萄牙人帶我們參觀他家的海灘,風景很不錯,接著去那著名的市場Mercado dos Lavradores,在那裏看到頗多過去沒有看過的水果。
Não conheco Madeira muito. O que tenho é a informações das turistas no aeroporto. Por isso, neste primeiro dia, nós fomos a Funchal por causa do estar perto do hotel. Estacionei ao lado do rua que é grátis. Ao ir à cidade, encontrámos um Português enthusiástoco quem mostrou a casa dele. A sua casa tem uma boa vista do mar. Depois, fomos ao Mercado dos lavradores famoso. Lá vi muitas frutas que nunca tinha visto.

110331 Go to Madeira/來去Madeira/Vou a Madeira


Originally, the flight should take off at 6:00PM. But it delayed for one hour. Fortunately it arrived at Funchal only a half hour late. When we were over Madeira, it was around the sunset. The sky was comely. The airport was in front of me. It’s a pity that I could not use camera to capture the vista.
Originalmente, o avião precisou voar às 6h da tarde. Mas demorou por uma hora. Afortunosamente, enquanto chagava a Madeira, demorava pola meia hora. Quando estava em cima da Madeira, podia ver o pôr-do-sol. A Céu foi tão bonito. Que pena que não pude tirar uma fotografia!

110331 Trip plan of Madeira/Plano da viagem da Madeira/馬德拉島規劃

One month ago, I found a cheap ticket to Madeira. Then, I decided to buy it right away. Before coming to Lisbon, I read a news about Madeira. There is a big airport on the sea. However, it's not an artificial Land in the ocean. It's really a bridge on the sea and special. So I wish I can visit Madeira during staying in Portugal.
After getting the tickets, I have to find a place for stay. I found Hotel Monte Verde on Hostelbooker.com. It costs EUR12.5 per person. How cheap it is! We have 5 people in this trip. I made a reservation of 2 rooms, one for 2 persons and the other for 3 persons. The price includes breakfast and free parking spaces.

The final step is to rent a car. Of course, it's my habit. I made a reservation on Autoeurope website. It costs Eur63.5. Although it's a little expensive, it's fine. In this viagem, we have 5 people. It wouldn't charge a lot for one person.

找到機票,接下來要找飯店,在Hostelbooker找到一間Hotel Monte Verde,超級便宜,一個人只要12.5歐/晚,還包含早餐,免費停車場,也沒多研究這飯店的品質,這次旅行五人同行,馬上就下訂一間雙人一間三人房。
再來就是租車,當然又是我個人的習慣,自己開車總是比較方便,同樣在 Autoeurope租車,三天費用63.5歐,雖然比歐陸貴一些,不過這次有五個人分攤租車費和油錢,所以費用還是很便宜。

Cerca dum mês passado, eu encontrei um barato bilhete de Easyjet para Madeira de Lisboa. Nesse momento, já comparei-o e vou visitar a ilha da Madeira. Antes de chegar a Lisboa, eu li uma notícia da Madeira. Disse que na Madeira há um aeroporto em cima do mar. Mas, não é terra artificial. É um ponte grande para aviões tão especial. Por isso, eu resolvi ir lá.
Depois de comprar os bilhetes, vou procurar um hotel. Encontrei Hotel Monte Verde na Hostelbooker.com. Custa EUR12.5 para uma pessoa. Que barato! O preço incluiu um pequeno-almoço e estacionamento grátis.
A última coisa é alugar um carro. É verdade. É o meu hábito da viagem. Fiz a reserva na autoeurope.com. 
Custa EUR63.5 para 3 dias. Apesar de ser um pouco mais caro de Lisboa. Mas nós temos 5 pessoas na viagem. Não custa muito para uma pessoa.

Day1 Lisboa->Madeira Aeroporto->Hotel Monte Verde(Funchal)
Day2 Funchal->Camacha->Santana->East side->Funchal
Day3 Funchal->Gruta->São Vincente->West side->Funchal
Day4 Funchal->Pico do Arieiro->Monte->Eira do Serrado->Pico dos Barcelos->Câmara de Lobos->Aeroporto->Lisboa

In fact, we only have 3 days. It's not enough to get familiar with Madeira. In my opinion, you need 4 days at least, if you would like to go hiking in the mountains.
Se quar subir um monte, acho que 3 dias não são bastante. Se calhar 4 dias vai melhorar.

Ver My trip in Portugal num mapa maior

110405 Nissan Mirca/March

上次去 Algarve時候,雖然很遺憾來歐洲開日本車,不過由於家裡曾經擁有過上一代的March,所以開起來頗為熟悉,而且這代March台灣也沒有上市,所以還是很高興有這次機會。
先來說說這輛March/歐洲稱Mirca的內裝,就是標準的日本小車,該給你的一樣也不會少,但是想多要也不會有,所以質感也很普通,有時候甚至是差。怎麼說呢?先說說儀表飾版、方向盤,全部塑料,而且是摸起來看起來都很一般的塑料,甚至看起來就很廉價,比起之前開的歐洲小車可說是省到了極點,雖說用料可能同樣都是ABS塑膠,但是外觀看起來,摸起來都讓人覺得是便宜貨。再說說椅子,他竟然是用塑膠布,比起其他起碼還是絨布、或是一般布料相比,更是感覺一整個差。只不過塑膠布可以很容易清潔,所以有利有弊。整體說起來就是日本小車的樣子,該Cost down的地方他都會Cost down,不過他也絕對不會少給你。

110327 Day 3 A22->Tavira->Ayamonte->Castro Martim->Mértola->Beja->Lisboa


 O meu Mirca/今天我開Nissan march

110326 WRC 2011 Portugal

運氣真的很好,這周末WRC在葡萄牙南邊Faro舉辦,我也有幸參予盛會,有機會現場看到WRC 2011 Portugal圓了我一個兒時的夢想。
在那可以看到賽車在高速公路上和一般車輛一起併行,很有意思。現在WRC的車子已經馬力推進到600ps以上,塞在1.6的Ford Fiesta真的是挺驚人的,聲音超大,就算是怠速也是很大聲,可是現場聽到就覺得很興奮。

110326 Day2 Algarve Lagos->Sagres->Faro


110325 Day1 Lisboa->Setúbal->Tróia->Sines->Vila Nova de Milfontes->Aljezur->Lagos

I had no plan before going to the south of Portugal.The reason is that originally I planned to Porto. However, the forecast of climate was raining. So I changed my mind to Alentejo and Algarve.
To avoid the toll gates, I drove through the provincial roads. It's a good choice to see the scenery without extra payment.
Nissan Mirca is my good partner/這三天的好幫手是Nissan Mirca,就是March啦!

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