110529 Sete Cidade

Sete Cidade is the most famous spot in São Miguel. It originally means '7 cities". In fact, it's two crater lakes instead of a city. If you would like to see the most beautiful Sete Cidade, just go to Vista do Rei. You will find the two lakes have the different colors. One is blue and the other is green. It's really special. Around the lakes, you can take a walk. You must love it f you like hiking. It's a special experience.
Sete Cidade是São Miguel最著名的景點,葡文的意思是七個城市,但是實際上這裡是兩個相連的火山湖,而欣賞Sete Cidade最美的地方是Vista do Rei,因為在這個位置看這兩個湖泊,會呈現不同的顏色,一個是綠色、一個是藍色的,十分特別。而且環繞著湖泊有不少健行步道,喜歡登山的遊客,會選擇在此地待上幾天,在山區走一走,是非常特別的經驗。
I didn't see anything in the morning./我去了兩次Sete Cidade,因為上午起大霧在Vista do Rei啥也看不到
The weather was cloudy./ 拍小鴨,天氣很糟
 The walking path around the lakes環湖步道
In the afternoon, I came here again. Finally, I saw it./下午又來一次,總算見到了,可是沒有藍天
 One is blue and the other is green.
Vista do Rei 還可以看到大西洋
another viewpoint/換地方再拍

Stone bridge between 2 lakes/ 兩湖中間的石橋

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