110527 Day1 Go to Azores,出發去亞述群島

In order to take SATA Air, I waked up very early and jumped into TAXI to Lisbon Airport Terminal 2. In the early morning, there were few people in the airport. After checking-in, I started to doze off.
為了趕搭早上七點半的SATA航空,一大早天還沒亮,便跳上計程車前往里斯本機場。因為是國內線,在Terminal 2登機。清晨的二航站,小貓兩三隻,快速check-in拖運行李後,就在機場打瞌睡兼發呆。
空蕩蕩的二航站/It was empty in the Terminal 2.

The flight trip took 2.5 hours. During the trip, I kept seeing the clouds. It made me worried about the weather.
Before landing, the airport located on the cliff made me worried again. The pilot had to turnaround the airplane for landing. Thanks for the ability of landing of the pilot. While landing, all of passengers applauded loudly.
搭上飛機,機上有供餐,航程兩個半小時,一路上看到都是雲,讓我擔心起天氣會不會很糟糕,破壞了我的旅行計畫。在降落Ponta Delgada機場時後,心驚了一下。這機場位於懸崖邊上,降落上本身就有難度,而里斯本飛往亞述群島是東向西飛,降落時卻是要轉180度大彎才能夠降落。所以機長就是一邊下降一邊轉彎,機頭才剛轉正就馬上降落,技術之好,前所未見,一降落後全機乘客立刻鼓掌。
The climate was really bad as I expected. However, there was a rainbow which seemed like a good hint.
 Ponta Delgada果真如我預料,天候不佳,不過有個彩虹歡迎我,應該是有好兆頭。
 過幾天要搭去 Pico的螺旋槳飛機
After picking up my luggage, I went to ask the information center which I had to visit in SanMiguel. She told me there would be a big Catholic activity on 28, 29 because of Santo Cristo festival. Most of stores would be closed for this ceremony. I was lucky. Then, I pickup my car from Ilha Verde.
接下來就是要去問遊客中心,到底São Miguel有什麼值得去逛的地方,因為我根本沒有研究。他告訴我,未來28,29兩天是Santo Cristo節,多數餐廳店面都會關門去街上慶祝。運氣真好,一來就碰上慶典。最後去Ilha Verde取車,展開我的亞述群島之旅。
機場有些裝飾/Airport of San Miguel
 本次租車全程選用Ilha Verde/I chose Ilha Verde Rental Car.
 那到Nissan Pixo,剛領牌兩個月的新車/The Nissan Pixo will accompany me.

旅遊資訊/Turismo Information
旅遊指南/Travel Guide book
You can get an English or Portuguese travel guide book at any hostel or hotel in Azores. You don't need to buy a actual book before your trip. Just to survey on Internet is enough. Check this website  http://www.visitazores.com/. you can get associated information.
可參考官方旅遊網站 http://www.visitazores.com/
You can find the flight schedule on SATA Airline or TAP.
SATA Airline 專門飛行亞述群島的航空公司,部分航班和TAP聯營
租車/Rental Car.
I checked many website of rental car. I strongly recommend you to make a reservation early. Arguscarhire is cheaper. But you have to make a reservation earlier than 2 days for waiting confirmation.
租車網站,經過我比價要用Arguscarhire會比較便宜。預約必須兩天以前,因為是Ilha Verde租車是契約廠商,要等待Arguscarhire租車公司的Confirm信件,所以請及早預約。
I used a Garmin 1340. It should include the map of the whole Europe. But it doesn't have the map of Azores. I suggest you to get the map on Internet.
I mad the reservation of hostel on HiHostel

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