110527 Day 1 Cozido à Portugêsa in Furnas,在Furnas吃葡式燉肉

The owner of Casa do Rosário told me that I must have a Cozido à Portugêsa,"a boiled meat, sausage and cabbages" in Furnas, São Miguel. Cozido à Portugêsa is a traditional dish in Portugal. But in Furnas, people cook Cozido à Portugêsa with hot spring water. They put the pot into a hole near hot spring in the morning. They pick up until 6 hours. Every ingredient
 is cooked well. Even you are allowed to cook by yourself. Please refer to the following Youtube video. You will have a gourmet without any fire or electricity.
The most famous one is "Restaurante Tony's" where I had a dishes. I suggest making a reservation or coming here earlier to make sure that you have a cozido. We not only have a cozido but a bife which is also popular in Azores. The price is affordable, and not like other tourist restaurant. I strongly recommend it.
After lunch, I went to the Lagoa das Furnas where local people cook cozido. I saw the steam around the hot spring. It seems hot enough to cook.
In Furnas, you can have good gourmet & nice scenery.
民宿老闆推薦,來São Miguel一定要吃的Cozido,所以就開車來Furnas。
Cozido全名是Cozido à Portugêsa,是葡萄牙的傳統料理,把肉類還有蔬菜一起燉煮,之前在里斯本其實我就有吃過。但是在São Miguel的Cozido是利用溫泉來燉煮六個小時。中午吃的Cozido,是早上七點多就放進溫泉加熱的。是非常獨特的料理方式。

Furnas市區有個溫泉公園,在山谷中,一直冒著蒸氣,瀰漫著硫磺味。不過這不是煮Cozido的地方,真正是在Lagoa das Furnas,這個湖邊,可以看山看湖,看溫泉,但是不能洗溫泉,有點可惜。

 Lagoa das Furnas


Tony's restaurante

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