110403 Madeira Day4 Funchal->Pico do Arieiro->Monte->Eira do Serrado->Pico dos Bacelos->Câmara de Lobos

Today is the last day of my trip. I decided to go to the mountains. The first stop was Pico do Areiro. The GPS led me to a slop whichi is longer than 2km. And it's such steep that the Ford Fiesta had to use the first gear to accelerate against the gravity. The roads in the maintains seem like Taiwan. But in Madeira, it's more steep and dangerous. We also met the landslide. Finally, we arrived at the peak smoothly. On the top, it made me excited that I could see Ocean Atlantic clearly.
今天是旅行的最後一天,準備往山裡跑,首站就是Pico do Areiro,沿著GPS規畫的路線,行經一條長達兩公里的大斜坡,坡度約在30度左右,這輛Fiesta必須使用一檔才能上坡,如果二檔是沒辦法對抗地心引力的。總算見識到Madeira最奇怪的路線。之後的山路大概就跟台灣山中的產業道路相當,所以沿途也有大客車會車,坍方的情況發生,山頂的風景,有點像台灣的合歡山,不過因為Madeira地形更陡峭,看起來更驚險,不過總算是順利到達目的地。山頂上可以看到大西洋,很令人興奮。原本計畫到Madeira最高點,但是要步行七公里的距離而作罷!山頂有個雷達站,當天雲霧頗多,有點可惜。



 The second stop was Monte which is famous with the toboggan. Many tourists come here to take toboggans. There is a beautiful park in Monte where you can see all of the Funchal.

 We went back to Funchal to have a lunch. Instead of taking the Cable Car, we changed our mind to Eira do Serrado. Because the cable car is too expensive. Eira do serrado is charming on the frontpage of the official tourism website. However, while we reached there, all of us were upset. Because of the fire, the scene is not what it was.
回到Funchal隨便找了一間餐廳用餐後,原本想要搭纜車的,但是竟然要價來回15歐,實在有點扯,所以直接跳上車子開去Madeira官方旅遊網站首頁的景點Eira do Serrado,官網的照片真的很美麗,可是到了那裡,我灰心了,因為火燒山的關係,這裡的風景不再,只能看到陡峭的峽谷其他的說真的沒了。
 Next is Pico dos Barcelos which is also a good place to see Funchal. In my opinion, it's the best place to capture the vista of night of Funchal. It's a pity that I would leave today.
接下來到Pico dos Barcelos,這裡是一個制高點可以看Funchal的市景,我覺得這裡可以拍得很好的夜景,可惜我今天就要離開Madeira,沒機會拍了。

The final stop is Câmara de Lobos. We stayed near the harbor and had the sunshine with Poncha and Nikita until the time of flight.
離開前最後一站是Câmara de Lobos,這裡是個港邊,我們在這裡發呆喝著當地著名的Poncha和Nikita,曬著太陽,揮別Madeira。

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